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RoboForm Password Manager

Упростите и защитите вашу жизнь онлайн

Оставайтесь в безопасности и экономьте время с помощью нашего удобного менеджера паролей, который также заполняет веб-формы

Упростите и защитите вашу жизнь онлайн

Оставайтесь в безопасности и экономьте время с помощью нашего удобного менеджера паролей, который также заполняет веб-формы

  • Gestionnaire de mots de passe pour créer des mots de passe plus forts

    Генератор и автосохранение паролей

    Создавайте надежные и уникальные пароли для каждого сайта. RoboForm автоматически сохраняет их.

  • Remplissage de formulaire en un clic

    Логины и заполнение форм одним щелчком

    Больше никакого набора текста. Логиньтесь на сайтах и в приложениях и заполняйте веб-формы одним нажатием.

  • Alerte de mots de passe compromis

    Проверка на наличие скомпрометированных паролей

    RoboForm сообщает вам, если один из ваших паролей обнаружится в базе украденных паролей.

  • Partagez des mots de passe en toute sécurité avec la gestion des mots de passe multiplateformes

    Безопасный обмен паролями

    Делитесь паролями с доверенными контактами без риска утечки данных.

PWC Logo Blackboard Logo Ernst and Young Logo Celanese Logo

RoboForm Premium включает:

Неограниченное хранение паролей
Доступ со всех устройств
Резервное копирование в облако
Безопасный обмен паролями и папками паролей ? С RoboForm вы можете безопасно обмениваться паролями и другими конфиденциальными данными с доверенными контактами без риска утечки.
Автозаполнение веб-форм
Мощный генератор паролей
Интегрированный TOTP аутентификатор
Зашифрованные текстовые заметки
Управление закладками
Логины в приложения системы Windows
Шифрование AES 256
Двухфакторная аутентификация ? Дополнительно защитите вход в RoboForm с помощью второго фактора: на основе электронной почты, SMS или приложения аутентификации, включая Google Authenticator, Authy и Microsoft Authenticator.
Мониторинг скомпрометированных паролей ? RoboForm информирует вас, если обнаруживается утечка одного из ваших паролей.
Управление цифровым наследием ? Безопасная система для обеспечения доступа доверенному лицу в случае чрезвычайных обстоятельств.
Доступ с веб-портала
Офлайн доступ
Только локальный режим ? Ваши данные RoboForm вместе с резервными копиями будут храниться только на вашем устройстве и не будут синхронизированы с нашими серверами.
Удобный импорт/экспорт ? Импортируйте из любого основного браузера, менеджера паролей или через CSV. Экспортируйте свои данные в любое время.
Приоритетная поддержка 24/7

Отзывы наших пользователей

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Apple AppStore
4.7 Рейтинг
43.2K Отзывы
Google Play
4.6 Рейтинг
32.7K Отзывы
Chrome Store
4.5 Рейтинг
3.4K Отзывы
Edge Store
4.6 Рейтинг
657 Отзывы
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Got it
Diana f
Verified Customer
I am more than pleased my IT guy suggested it, and I thought it would be more than I can handle but once I got the hang of it, it's a cinch
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Sarasota, United States
Charles J
Verified Customer
I have used Roboform for several years, have looked at several other password managers, but I have never found one that meets all my needs as well as Roboform. I love the fact that passwords are always readily available on all my devices, Windows and Android. I also like the "sub-account" that my wife uses. this is truly a great product!
1 person found this review helpful.
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Daniel L
Verified Customer
I have used RoBoForm for many years and will continue to use it in the future. I threw away my book of passwords and have never looked back. Besides kepping current passwords up to date, the feature I enjou the most is the identity section. It has saved me many times from running to get my credit card number or check book. This progrem is a real gem.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Peter B
Verified Customer
A very good method of storing and using passwords that change from time to time.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Crace, Australia
Larry S
Verified Customer
Works Great.
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Ronnie Y
Verified Customer
Absolutely the best app for passwords. I just love it. Ty kindly
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Vancouver, Canada
William S
Verified Customer
I have always had nothing but a great experience. UNTIL, My AV software on my MAC started having problems with RoboForm. Now I have to temporarily disable the AV to use RoboForm. Customer Assistance was of no help. Still like the program.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Lanham, United States
Gary M
Verified Customer
Long time very happy user. Highly recommended.
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Cobourg, Canada
Anthony M
Verified Customer
Have had it for years and it is great. Very good on answering questions quickly.
Was this review helpful?
Neil W
Verified Customer
Very pleased with Roboform password manager and the ease of use. Support is great too, very quick to respond and so far always with a correct solution I feel comfortable with this company knowing help is at hand
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Halifax, United Kingdom
Kevin M
Verified Customer
Works great and your support is as well !!
2 people found this review helpful.
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Hamilton, Canada
John M
Verified Customer
It does its job extremely well. No problems. If something is not obvious, questions promptly, appropriately and accurately answered. The epitome of "user friendly." What else can anybody expect?
2 people found this review helpful.
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Columbus, United States
John H
Verified Customer
Very responsive to any questions and need for assistance. Great support.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Jeff k
Verified Customer
I have been using Roboform for over ten years, very satisfied.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Miami, United States
Fred V
Verified Customer
I've been using Roboform for years and will always use it because of the great features and security.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Dover, United States
Jeffrey r
Verified Customer
I have been using Roboform for many years and it performs as advertised
2 people found this review helpful.
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Ted M
Verified Customer
I have used RoboForm for more than 25 years. It is my must have app on all my devices. It really makes all kinds of computing much easier and saves me untold time and grief. If you are not using RoboForm you are working too hard.
3 people found this review helpful.
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Rui F
Verified Customer
Would be even better if I could use it on my Smart TV.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Rome, United States
Larry B
Verified Customer
I have used Roboform for many years. It is my most valuable application.
4 people found this review helpful.
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Ashburn, United States
Janice D
Verified Customer
I've used Roboform since 2008 and love it! I wouldn't change a thing about it. The few times that I have had to contact customer support, I have received a helpful answer in a timely fashion.
3 people found this review helpful.
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Frisco, United States
Diana f
Verified Customer
I am more than pleased my IT guy suggested it, and I thought it would be more than I can handle but once I got the hang of it, it's a cinch
Was this review helpful?
Sarasota, United States, 2 weeks ago
Charles J
Verified Customer
I have used Roboform for several years, have looked at several other password managers, but I have never found one that meets all my needs as well as Roboform. I love the fact that passwords are always readily available on all my devices, Windows and Android. I also like the "sub-account" that my wife uses. this is truly a great product!
1 person found this review helpful.
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2 weeks ago
Daniel L
Verified Customer
I have used RoBoForm for many years and will continue to use it in the future. I threw away my book of passwords and have never looked back. Besides kepping current passwords up to date, the feature I enjou the most is the identity section. It has saved me many times from running to get my credit card number or check book. This progrem is a real gem.
2 people found this review helpful.
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2 weeks ago
Peter B
Verified Customer
A very good method of storing and using passwords that change from time to time.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Crace, Australia, 2 weeks ago
Larry S
Verified Customer
Works Great.
Was this review helpful?
3 weeks ago
Ronnie Y
Verified Customer
Absolutely the best app for passwords. I just love it. Ty kindly
Was this review helpful?
Vancouver, Canada, 3 weeks ago
William S
Verified Customer
I have always had nothing but a great experience. UNTIL, My AV software on my MAC started having problems with RoboForm. Now I have to temporarily disable the AV to use RoboForm. Customer Assistance was of no help. Still like the program.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Lanham, United States, 3 weeks ago
Gary M
Verified Customer
Long time very happy user. Highly recommended.
Was this review helpful?
Cobourg, Canada, 3 weeks ago
Anthony M
Verified Customer
Have had it for years and it is great. Very good on answering questions quickly.
Was this review helpful?
3 weeks ago
Neil W
Verified Customer
Very pleased with Roboform password manager and the ease of use. Support is great too, very quick to respond and so far always with a correct solution I feel comfortable with this company knowing help is at hand
Was this review helpful?
Halifax, United Kingdom, 3 weeks ago
Kevin M
Verified Customer
Works great and your support is as well !!
2 people found this review helpful.
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Hamilton, Canada, 2 months ago
John M
Verified Customer
It does its job extremely well. No problems. If something is not obvious, questions promptly, appropriately and accurately answered. The epitome of "user friendly." What else can anybody expect?
2 people found this review helpful.
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Columbus, United States, 2 months ago
John H
Verified Customer
Very responsive to any questions and need for assistance. Great support.
2 people found this review helpful.
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2 months ago
Jeff k
Verified Customer
I have been using Roboform for over ten years, very satisfied.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Miami, United States, 2 months ago
Fred V
Verified Customer
I've been using Roboform for years and will always use it because of the great features and security.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Dover, United States, 2 months ago
Jeffrey r
Verified Customer
I have been using Roboform for many years and it performs as advertised
2 people found this review helpful.
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6 months ago
Ted M
Verified Customer
I have used RoboForm for more than 25 years. It is my must have app on all my devices. It really makes all kinds of computing much easier and saves me untold time and grief. If you are not using RoboForm you are working too hard.
3 people found this review helpful.
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6 months ago
Rui F
Verified Customer
Would be even better if I could use it on my Smart TV.
2 people found this review helpful.
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Rome, United States, 9 months ago
Larry B
Verified Customer
I have used Roboform for many years. It is my most valuable application.
4 people found this review helpful.
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Ashburn, United States, 9 months ago
Janice D
Verified Customer
I've used Roboform since 2008 and love it! I wouldn't change a thing about it. The few times that I have had to contact customer support, I have received a helpful answer in a timely fashion.
3 people found this review helpful.
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Frisco, United States, 9 months ago